Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Revelation not Redefinition

Is Jesus the Christ? Has God came in human flesh to redeem His people yet? This was the debate during the time of Jesus. There was a divide amongst the Jews and there still is. Its odd considering that the Jews have the Old Testament that holds the prophecies concerning the coming Messiah. The Messiah must be a man, from the lineage of King David, be born of a virgin, betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, be resurrected from the dead and thats only a few. In Christ all Messianic prophecies are fulfilled. The odds of 39 of those prophecies being fulfilled in one life time is 1 in 549,755,813,900. Jesus, in John 5:39 said " You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which TESIFY OF ME. He declared this to the Jewish elites who where considered masters of the Scriptures.
God's revelation is thorough and clear. This day in age people create God in there own image. He is a god not the God. Most of the time the god people worship is in direct contrast to the Living God. The God of the bible is loving, just and merciful. When we see God's attribute of justness we must accept that He must be a punisher of sin. He would topple from His throne if He let wrongs go unnoticed and unaddressed. People are enraged when you mention consequences for there sins but will in the same breath ask for justice when they've been wronged. Our desire for retribution is a good thing, we understand that wrong is wrong and it should be dealt with. That understanding comes from God. The bible is clear on man's condition, we are sinners. Born into an imperfect world with an inclination to offend God. We all have this issue and God in His love, mercy and justness sent His Son Jesus into the world, not to condemn the world but that the world through Jesus would be saved. The bible repeatedly declares that it is God's pleasure to redeem His creation. He has given us one way and one revelation of who the Father is, in the person of Jesus Christ. We need to decide what will it be revelation or redefinition.

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